Product Description:
Rebar rolling mill includes short-stress-path rolling mill, pre-stressing path rolling mill, Morgan close-top housing rolling mill, half-close-top housing rolling mill etc. Main rebar production lines are continuous H/V rolling mill line, full-H continuous rolling mill line, semi-continuous rolling mill line, open-train rolling mill line and so on.
General raw material for hot rolling mill: 100X100mm-160X160mm square billet, length:3000-120000mm.
Bar mill specification: Φ250, Φ300, Φ350, Φ400, Φ450, Φ500, Φ550, Φ600, Φ700.
Roll body length: 500/600/700/800/1000mm.
Product standard: φ8.0~φ40 mm.
Annual production: 50,000TPA to 1,000,000TPA
![Steel Bar Hot Rolling Mill Production Line with Cutting-Into-Length Shear and Cooling Bed](
![Steel Bar Hot Rolling Mill Production Line with Cutting-Into-Length Shear and Cooling Bed](
Short-stress-path rolling mill:
It is assembled with four screws in series, with short stress path and great rigidity. The upper roller and lower roller can be adjusted symmetrically without changing the rolling center. Center distance adjusting range of two rollers: 0~110mm. By equipping with independent hydraulic station, it is easy and convenient to lift cardan shaft and change roller. Powered by DC motor, it has a wide range of speed regulation. Most of short-stress-path rolling mill lines are H/V type, which can process untwisted rolling in the whole line. Rough rolling and intermediate rolling can meet the requirements on rolling big billets and improving rolling precision, finish rolling is mainly responsible for improving rolling precision and speed (highest: 18m/s).
1. Upper and lower bearing seat are connected with four screws in series, with short stress path and great rigidity.
2. Hydraulic balance cylinder, thread pitch can be removed with constant force, with less spring.
3. Fix stand with hydraulic lock, easy to be moved transversely, fast groove exchanging.
4. Screwing-down of hydraulic motor, easy and convenient to be adjusted.
5. Complete machine roller exchanging, convenient and time saving.
![Steel Bar Hot Rolling Mill Production Line with Cutting-Into-Length Shear and Cooling Bed](
![Steel Bar Hot Rolling Mill Production Line with Cutting-Into-Length Shear and Cooling Bed](
Pre-stressed path rolling mill:
Before rolling, the prestressing force is applied to the rolling mill, which can offset the deformation of a part of the mill during rolling and improve the rigidity of the rolling mill. This type of mill is called a Prestressed Rolling mill. Applying the prestressing force to the rolling mill makes the rolling mill in the stress state before rolling. When rolling, under the action of rolling force, the working frame of rolling mill and the parts on it must produce elastic deformation. Rolling base elastic deformation is mainly composed of the following parts: elastic elongated frame column, beam bending elasticity, compression pressure screw and nut elastic compression, bearing and bearing elastic, elastic bending and roll elastic flattening. Furthermore, the rigidity of the rolling mill is enhanced and the dimensional accuracy of the rolling product is improved.
In addition, because of the rolling force, the frame produces elastic deformation, and the gap between the parts of the work frame disappears, so that the roll gap value increases at the moment of rolling, so the actual rolling thickness of the workpiece is: h=S+ΔS. In this formula, S is the roll gap value before rolling (no load roller gap), mm; ΔS is the amount of roll gap increase in rolling, mm; referred to as roll gap bounce or roll jump; h is the actual rolling thickness of the rolled piece, mm.